In honor of my ability of speaking Disney fluently, I decided to take some great pictures inspired by one of my favorite princesses. So lets see who knows their Disney Princesses..
So when we went to Caesarea, a very prominent and flourishing city during Herod's time, there was a spot where the waves would splash over. All I could remeber was flashbacks to Sea World and wanting to be in the Splash Zone. So i knew I was wet and sandy and wanted to do something I would not do usually, so i went and waited for the perfect wave to come over and get me soaked. It was so much fun just watching this huge wave and leaning over the rail and getting soaked. I loved smelling the sea salt and just wanted to be on my beach again. This is how I know that you can take the girl away from the beach but you cant take the love of the beach out of the girl.

Here is Dane and I a few moments after the big splash. The back was alot worse due to having my back to the water the first time so that I could look at the camera when the water would come over.
Ariel - duh... Did you see King Triton or find your handsome Prince Eric yet? Not quite sure about your form. I think Ariel had better form, but nice try!!