Ok so I have survived the 10K run in Jerusalem and I am sore but I am alive.
We left the center around 7:30 and got bused to the meeting area for the runners in West Jerusalem. From there we waited in the pouring rain, and strong wind for 10:15 to come because that is when the race would official start.
I just mostly walked around and looked at booths and to see if there was any free food or prizes I could grab before the race. I did get a key chain which is pretty sweet after spinning the wheel that had hebrew on it, so i have no idea what the wheel said or what I landed on. I basically tried to keep warm, even though I was soaked, and kept thinking positivly and not allowing myself to get nervous.
Now I did not train for this run at all, I have only ran one time while being here, and basically signed up so I could get the cool t-shirt, medal, friends were doing it and the experience to run around Jerusalem. So keeping that in mind, I was hoping to walk most of the run and to take pictures, maybe get off the track a bit and grab a shwarma or some type of food, but with the rain my plans changed alot.
I knew I needed to run this entire course, to be warm and battle the rain and to get the race done as fast as I could. That is when I started getting nervous because I have never ran that far in one run, never have done a race and now had weather conditions to battle against as well as the hills on the course.
I decided to then just do the best I can do, and not to allow myself to walk at all, because that would only make it worse when trying to start up the run again. I ran by myself, and I really enjoyed it because I was able to get that independence and alone time I have been craving for the last 3 months being here. It was hard to run after the 6K mark because it started to hail, and it was stinging my face and the wind was picking up making it hard to breathe at times. I just started laughing because I never imagined myself in Jerusalem, running for an event I never trained for, making a rash decision to do so, trying to rain against the hail and wind, while having one of the best times of my life.
I was just loving every moment, and found that I can really push myself on those times were my legs were crapping up and I didnt think they would give me another 3K more. But they did.
As I came up to the finished line, it looked like it would end at the bottom of the hill I was running on, and had tons of people cheering as well as my ipod telling me that I had only 200 yards left, so I ran hard to end strong, only to realize I wasent finished and the finish line was at the top of a hill I was now approaching around the corner. THat is when i had to get on my game face and keep going.
It was very helpful finishing strong because I recognized familiar faces cheering me on. They were other students from the program including Grace, Travis, Sarah Brown, Dan, Ashley, Bonnie, Sheleigh, and others that I feel bad I cant name off right now.
When I did cross the finish line I wanted to have that moment to myself, so i let a big group of people pass me so that I was finishing by myself rather then in a big group of people.
The announcer called my name, and where I was from and it was exhilarating feeling. I could not believe I did it, and that I did it in my opinion at a decent time for never training at all.
Plus I burned 754 calories during that race.
I am now trying to finish my last final paper for my Palestine class and then hoping to crash and take a nap. I may load pictures of me from the race, but it depends on how nasty I look in them...